Effects of study habits in relation to the academic performance

Habit Research Teacher

Effects of study habits in relation to the academic performance

IntroductionEducation plays a vital role into every student, especially in our current situation where those who finish with degree are the only ones who has a chance of getting hired. Before even getting hired, people must first finish their studies. Students must survive through college but it is not as easy as it seems to be. They must accomplish all the tasks given in a limited amount of time that is why a study habit is needed.

Study habits are the ways a student study.

These are the habits that students develop while studying. They can be good ones or bad ones. Study habits are considered as one of the major factor affecting the student’s academic performance. It means that if a student possesses an ineffective study habit, he will not have a clear understanding in his subject which will most likely lead him to failure. If a student develops an effective study habits then he has a higher chance of passing.

Moreover, the researcher believes that the student, especially the students in Section IJ will be benefiting from this study since it will provide a better understanding on how their study habits will be effective.

To the School Administrators, this will help them to know and to inform the teachers on how they can effectively teach their students.To the Teachers, this will serve as a guide for them to teach moreeffectively in a way that all students will understand.To the Parents, this will serve as a guide for them on how they are going to help their children when studying or preparing for examinations. To the Students, this will help them a lot not only in studying but also for their future. To the future researchers, they may be able to use the result of the study in further research similar to what the study is.

General ObjectiveThis study aims to determine the significant relationship between the different study habits and the academic performance of Section IJ students. Specific Objectives 1. To know the different study habits commonly practiced by the Section IJ students. 2. To identify the effects of the common study habits practiced by the Section IJ students. 3. To determine the significant relationship between Section IJ Student’s academic performance and study habits. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of study habits in relation to the academic performance of Section IJ students. Sub-problems 1. What are the different study habits commonly practiced by the Section IJ students? 2. What are the effects of the common study habits practiced by the Section IJ students? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the study habits and the academic performance of Section IJ students?

Scope and LimitationsThe study focuses on students of Section IJ so that they will be prepared more in the incoming tests. IJ students are college students that is why they are given more works than before. Having a study habit that suits them well will help finish their works faster. The researcher limits the study to the common study habits practiced by IJ students only. It does not matter whether the study habits they developed is good or bad as long as it has a good effect in their academic performance. Hypothesis

There is a significant relationship between the study habits and academicperformance of Section IJ students.

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